How to get support through a Kundalini awakening

This website is composed for the sole purpose of offering support through a Kundalini awakening so that you won’t feel alone, or that there is anything wrong with you. That despite the strangeness of this process and its unique expressions you will know that what you are experiencing is okay, and is perfectly normal for those going through this process.

One of the more perplexing aspects of this “spiritual puberty” is that society does not acknowledge this process as a natural part of life. Thus, it is very difficult to find proper context and the professional and personal support you need during this highly transformative time in your life. Society may make you feel like an odd one out at best, or in the worst-case scenario, fear your experience and define it as a mental breakdown or a psychosis. Conventional medicine and psychology have limited to nonexistent tools to assist with a Kundalini awakening. Even your clergy may not have the right frame of work and leave you feeling judged or unseen. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed, lonely, isolated, or that this awakening is way too much for you to bear, finding people you can talk with who have some knowledge of this particular awakening, though they are few and far between, can be helpful or even essential to your emotional wellbeing. Click here for support services offered on this website.

It is only human to need to be met at the depth of your experience and as you go further into the awakening, your ability to suppress your truth can become less and less till it can feel unbearable. Despite the pure desire to be truthful, you need to protect yourself and practice discernment with society and even with the people closest to you. Talking or sharing with the wrong person can end up leaving you feeling misunderstood, judged, or mislabeled at your most vulnerable moments.


Different sources of support during a Kundalini awakening:

  • A friend: Whether it is someone who has been through Kundalini or not. Confide in a friend who is open-minded, open-hearted, compassionate, and non-judgmental. Seek someone who will not question your sense of reality and is willing to just listen to you.

  • A Therapist: Talking with someone who practices transcendental psychology or has been through similar experiences themselves, can be profoundly healing to your process. If you have experienced childhood trauma and can’t find a transcendental psychologist, see a trauma therapist and deal with the trauma alone and get a different source of support for the Kundalini.

  • A Kundalini Guide: Someone who has been through Kundalini and can guide you through any and all aspects of the process or reassure and comfort you when it gets intense. Click here for support services.

  • A spiritual teacher: Spiritual teachers can be helpful for some. Be mindful that not everyone with spiritual knowledge and gifts has gone through a Kundalini awakening and may not be familiar with it. Lean on their knowledge if helpful but remember ultimately you are your most reliable source of wisdom.

  • Community: Look for online forums or Facebook groups for support.

  • Inner Guidance: Cultivating a relationship with the divine and your own inner guidance is essential. Human conversation cannot replace the need for a dialogue with the divine and vice versa.




Important note: Generally speaking, not many people understand Kundalini fully. Mindful discernment is important even with professionals (such as therapist, spiritual teachers or clergy). Learn to listen to your inner voice and ask for clear guidance when looking for help. Trust in where you are and don’t give your power away to anyone, be it family or a professional. Only take advice that resonates with your being. A good rule of thumb when choosing a professional is you should feel some sense of relief and empowerment after a session, not feel worse or weakened.